Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chad Farr

10 years has past, and I still act like I am 18; at least socially. I went straight to the U in the fall of ’01 to pursue a degree in Civil Engineering. I lived at the Beta House for 3½ years, which means I really lived in the library Sunday through Thursday and a memory-collapsed state on Fridays and Saturdays. Whoops:) After graduating in 4 years, I was all set to start my Masters but was offered a job that summer, and I fired myself from grad school right after I was hired. I have been with HBC International for over 6 years now, contracting engineering services to Kennecott. My career started doing civil/structural design, made a move to quality control field engineering, and now I am a project manager at the Kennecott Smelter. I manage 10+ projects at a time, from engineering to construction, ranging from small expense work to large capital jobs. My career is ever-changing, and I really do enjoy it; and by enjoy it, I mean that when I wake up at 5AM, work 10-12 hour days, I don’t want to come home and beat the future wife and dog that I don’t have:)

That brings me to the best thing that has happened to me since we graduated in 2001: the dog I don’t have. Kidding… I met Kelly Hanks in the summer of ’07, knew she was far too good and pretty for me, so I instantly lied to her about who I was and what I stood for:) No, Kel knew what she was getting into, and the past 3+ years has been the best years of her life. I mean MY life!!:) I got her all hopped up on champagne and the Chicago skyline, and she verbally agreed to marry this clown in Cabo this September. I am planning on growing out a poor-man’s mustache, shooting pistols in the air, and breaking bottles of tequila over my big, half-Asian head as she walks down the sandy aisle. Don’t tell her though:) We just bought a new house together, rented out our condo I bought in ’06, and we’re pulling together our wedding. We were reluctant to buy the new place because the future kids have the potential to be Skyline Eagles. I’m already starting to save the pennies for private school. I could ship them down to C-Wood, but then they might end up like me:) Much love always!!