Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Marissa (Cole) Orgill

After the Cottonwood '01 Days, I started at the U majoring in mechanical engineering. After 1 year, I discovered it wasn't for me so I changed my major to Meteorology. I met my future partner-in-crime Bryce in front of the engineering building at the U in September of 2002. He was my tall, dark & handsome dream man! We got engaged in April 2003 and were married in the Salt Lake Temple in August of 2003. We lived in the cinderblock palaces at the U - otherwise known as the University of Utah Married Student Housing. I graduated with my Meteorology degree in 2005. I wasn't interested too much in forecasting - instead I preferred to study air pollution. The National Weather Service wasn't hiring and neither was the Department of Environmental Quality, so I became a secretary at a ranch & farmland real estate company near downtown SLC. Our first son, Aidan was born in October 2006. He loves cars, going to the park, and watching Sesame Street. He'll be starting kindergarten in a year. Bryce graduated in 2007 with his degree in Electrical Engineering. Shortly after, he found a great job at a semiconductor company as a test engineer in Pocatello, Idaho of all places. So off to Idaho we went! Since then, we bought our house and had 2 more babies - both adorable girls. Maylee was born in September of 2008. She loves dolls, Sesame Street, and also going to the park. She'll be starting preschool this fall. Megan was born this last January (2011). She is sweeter than sugar! We love her so much. She still doesn't do much besides drool, roll over and look cute. I'm a stay-at-home mom taking care of my kids. I sometimes find the time for my other hobbies: bow making, crocheting, reading, and riding my new mountain bike.