Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Angela (Perrington) Cowart

Upon graduating, I attended the University of Utah and decided to major in Flute Performance. I studied for two years and then served an LDS mission. I had the amazing opportunity to serve in the Philippines Cebu mission and learn Cebuano, a language that has only come in handy a handful of times since being home. I returned and finished my degree in Music at the U and graduated in 2009 (yes a long time, but I was having to much fun). In 2007, I married not only my high school sweetheart, (also a 2001 cottonwood grad) but the love of my life, Dave Cowart. We had our first child, Aspen, Aug 30th 2008, but then was blessed with another girl, Abigail, on Sept 18th 2009. So, yes our hands our full with two little girls and our two little dogs, but life couldn't be better. In 2009, my husband joined the Army and started medical school in Washington DC and so we moved to the Maryland suburbs where we currently own a home. He just started his 3rd year and so we are halfway there.

In 2009 I was introduced to Crossfit and have been an avid follower ever since. I have done it through one pregnancy and we currently have our own gym in our garage. I am working on getting certified as a Crossfit trainer and want to open my own affiliate someday. I have also just started going back to school for my masters in Occupational Therapy and will be finishing in 3 years from now. I am excited to finally be getting back to some of my goals that have been on hold while I have been at home with my two wonderful children the past three years. I have a wedding to attend in Salt Lake around the same time as the reunion and so I am planning on seeing everyone there. Unfortunately Dave is in the middle of his Surgery rotations and is unable to make it. I will see you all soon!