Thursday, July 14, 2011

Charles More

After graduating High School I married my Junior High Sweetheart Natasha Young, who also went to Cottonwood for her Sophmore year. I am taking courses to become a personal trainer right now through ISSA. I have always enjoyed working out and would like to eventually train High School Athletes. I received my Associates from Utah State University and also certified in Microsoft Programs from D.A.T.C. Right now I work for BullFrog Spas manufacturing hot tubs. In my spare time I work out, play with my kids and play golf with my wife.I have 2 little girls Jordan age 7 and Courtney age 10. Courtney has Cerebral Palsy and has been in a wheelchair since age 2. She is our little guardian angel and had truly blessed our lives. Jordan is playful and spunky and loves to sing! We also have 2 additions to our family Cooper our 2 year old Weiner dog and Olivia our 5 month old Chocolate Lab. We currently live in Taylorsville Utah.