Friday, July 15, 2011

Adam Lefler

After graduating from Cottonwood in 01' (insert awkward "Woot, Woot!) I served a mission in Toulouse, France. Although learning to love the french people was difficult, the pain was vastly overshadowed by the breathtaking landscape and architecture. Needless to say, I enjoyed those two years all too well. Vive La France!! After returning home, I "worked on" my degree from the University of Utah until I was so bored I moved to New York until it got to busy, Mexico until it got too hot and then Alaska until it got too cold. Crazily enough, this is where I met my future, also breathtaking, wife Brittany. When that was getting too serious, I bought a big red backpack and hiked through Western Europe (18 countries, three months - to give you an idea). When I finally decided to go home just before Christmas 2007, I bought Brittany a big, chocolate, (probably tasty) Lab, and married her. (Brittany, not the dog!) Since then, I've graduated from the U, bought a townhouse in Suncrest and finally grew six inches. (just kidding!) Currently, I work as a Financial Advisor in South Jordan, attempting to get into the Masters program at the U and pretend to golf (I really suck, by the way). The dog's name is Denali, if you care as much as my wife does, who made me put that in here. Hope you enjoyed!